纳米技术论坛 (CAS NS Forum No. 399)
演讲者:Prof. Dan Larhammar (Uppsala university, Sweden)
题 目:The usefulness of evolutionary thinking for neurobiology and neuropharmacology
时 间:2024年11月23日(星期六),上午08:50
地 点:国家纳米科学中心,新楼第六会议室
主持人:赵宇亮 院士
报告人简介:Prof. Dan Larhammar,诺贝尔物理学、化学和经济学奖委员会主席(2018-2021),瑞典皇家科学院院士,原院长(2018-2021),欧洲科学院院士,瑞典乌普萨拉大学教授。Dan Larhammar received his PhD degree in medical science at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, in 1984. He then studied neuropeptide Y (NPY), a multifunctional neuropeptide with strong stimulatory effect on appetite. After one year as visiting scientist at the Research Institute of Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, California, his work focused on cloning and molecular pharmacology of receptors for NPY. His laboratory discovered several NPY receptors. His research then broadened to exploration of the molecular evolution of verterate eyes; many of the differences between rods and cones in the retina can be explained by gene duplications resulting from the genome doublings at the origin of vertebrates. Numerous neurotransmitters and hormones and their receptors have been investigated with regard to their evolution in vertebrates. One project concerns the dopamine receptors involved in Parkinson's disease. Since several years he studies the molecular mechanisms for learning and long-term memory. Key players in this machinery are glutamate receptors of the AMPA and NMDA families and several proteins that regulate or are affected by these.